Workshop: Methodology for Terminology Work

cabreWorkshop: Methodology for Terminology Work

O Workshop “Methodology for Terminology Work” será oferecido nos dias 02 e 03 de setembro de 2015 na Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF), em Barcelona, Catalunha, Espanha.

O curso é o terceiro módulo do Master online em Terminology oferecido pelo grupo IULATERM, do Institut Universitari de Lingüística Aplicada (IULA) da UPF.

Acesse aqui para maiores informações e inscrição.

Segue abaixo a carta-convite assinada por Maria Teresa Cabré, coordenadora do Master online em Terminology.

Workshop I: Methodology for Terminology Work: 2nd September – 3rd November

Dear Colleagues,

We are pleased to inform you that the Methodology for Terminology Work (3rd edition in English) will start on 2nd September. This course is the third module of the Master online in Terminology offered by IULATERM group, from the Institut Universitari de Lingüística Aplicada (University Institute of Applied Linguistics) of Pompeu Fabra University.

This workshop focuses on the most typical terminology work: terminographical work. It involves carrying out a terminological project, within the setting of the Communicative Theory of Terminology (CTT), respecting the principle of adequacy, according to which, terminological work must cover the professional needs that have given rise to it and the functions for which it will be used. To this end, all the phases of carrying out terminographical work will be studied through a series of exercises.

The course materials have been developed by the IULATERM group. All teaching staff have extensive academic and professional experience in this area.

The program is taught in English. However, the knowledge and skills can be used for any other language in the world.

This course is one of a range of UPF Terminology programs, offering comprehensive professional training in the field and equipping students with the tools needed to carry out terminology work in various professional scenarios. Various programs together can be used to reach the qualification of Master online in Terminology.

upfCourse dates: 2nd September – 3rd November

ECTS credits: 10

For further information and registration please visit:

Best regards,
M. Teresa Cabré
Director of the Master online in Terminology

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